Sunday, April 17, 2016

My Week at School - April 11-15, 2016


Me and my sister Meredith on the hammock in the backyard
In school I did. . . . . . . . . . . I woke upit was Monday, the beginning of a new week. I was excited but tired because I had  to wake up at 6:00. I did not want to get up, but I had to. So after I was ready I went to school. I was ready to see my friends at school. At school I heard  that on Friday we would be dissecting a pigs heart and a chicken wing, and looking at owl pellets. I was excited but also kind of grossed out. We did our normal school things that day.

The next day was Tuesday I went to school like I usually did and entered the classroom. But today I had to get phone numbers from my friends so my mom would get to call them about girl scout things and stuff. I got my friends Concetta's and Ava's moms' phone numbers. That evening she called them and we organized a plan to go and play with Concetta on Friday. I was excited to go to her house:)

The next day at school we watched videos about our heart. It was fun and I learned a lot. Finally, it was Thursday and I was ab-b-bout to  burst w-with excscsit -t-et-ement BOOM!!!!!! Because tomorrow was the day that I would get to hang out with Concetta. That day I could not wait for to end.!!!


I woke up and got ready. my lunch was made and I was ready to go. To school! I said. Just so you know Friday is my favorite day of the week. So I was excited as you can read. that day was kind of disgusting. because who would not be disgusted by dried blood in a pigs heart. But it was fun. Even though I almost threw up and I cut myself. The owl pellets were my fave. Finally we got out and I played with Concetta. That was a fun day.:)!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you liked my writing as much as I did!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Audrey as an Oak Tree

Audrey's second grade class did their program last night called "Nuts."  Audrey was an Oak tree - a darn cute one at that.  Ryan put her hair in curlers the night before to get it to be curly for the performance.  And what is an Oak tree without a bit of pink sparkle. She is wearing pink princess socks, pink sparkly jelly sandals, a pink jewel necklace, and pink ruby earrings.  It is what any Oak tree would wear if they could.

Nina is also appropriately dressed for the Oak-casion (great pun, if I do say so myself) in an acorn dress with acorn buttons.

Also worth noting, Audrey's picture was chosen by her peers to be on the front of the program.

For weeks Audrey has been walking around singing this song about nuts. "We're nuts, we're nuts, we're all just little nuts," so like any good baby sister, Meredith has been singing the same song.  And then requesting a nut to eat - naturally.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Posting catch up

I recently found the cord to my camera and now have at least a year's worth of photos to post. At some point, I plan to print out this blog into a real book, so that we can enjoy the pictures/stories, sequentially. Because of that, I am going to post the old stuff to the appropriate month, as much as I can. For anyone who reads this and doesn't use a reader to check it, I highly recommend either doing that or becoming a follower, so that you don't have to try to find new postings in old months.

Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Audrey has become incredibly good at coloring. Here she is enjoying her new good smelling colored pencils in the dining room.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Dance class

Over the summer we enrolled Audrey in a local dance studio's summer session to see if she would enjoy doing it for the whole year. Of course she *loved* it. So now she is taking tap/pre-ballet every week. Usually we don't get to see her during class. December however, had a special visitors day and here are some pictures and a little video.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Silliest

Audrey started her Montessori school this year and loves it. She came home the other day and told Ryan...

Audrey: "Daddy, I told my friend Grace that my Daddy is sillier than me"
Ryan: "Oh really, what did your friend Grace say to that?"
Audrey: "She said that her daddy was sillier than her too. We both have very silly daddies."

The next day, Audrey and I were heading up the stairs to go to bed and I wanted her to hurry...

Me: "Audrey, if you don't hurry, I am going to have to give you a xerbert"
Audrey: "Mama, you can't say that, only Daddy can say that because Daddy is the silliest."
Me: "Well if Daddy is the silliest, what am I?"
Audrey: "Mama, you are the nicest and Daddy is the silliest."
Me: "Then what are you?"
Audrey: "I am the smartest!"

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Binky Free!

Last weekend, I thought I would start getting Audrey ready to give up her binkys - my goal was to have her done with binkys by four.  Saturday morning, I pulled her on my lap and we looked on the computer at a big girl "princess" bed and a big girl fancy bed set.  I told her that whenever she was ready, she could throw her binkys into the trash can and mama would get her a fancy big girl bed.  I emphasized the fact, that I wasn't going to make her throw them away, she got to do it whenever she was ready.  And as a reward for becoming a big girl, she would get to sleep in a new fancy big girl bed.  

Immediately, she wanted the binkys, and ran upstairs to "take a nap".  So I was pretty sure, we were going to be talking about this for a good long while.  

About 20 minutes later she came downstairs with her binkys and was telling me about them and how she liked them, etc.  About 5 minutes after that, I asked here where the binkys were and she said, they were in the garbage can.  I ran over to take a look and sure enough, there the three binkys were (one sucking-on binky, and two flipping-nose binkies) in the garbage can.  Audrey just beamed up at me, I am ready for a big girl bed Mama.

So the rest of my day was spent purchasing a bed frame, bed and setting the whole thing up.  That night she of course, talked about how she wanted to have her binkies back, but we reminded her that she threw them away.  She has asked for them a couple of times since, but that is it.  We are binky free!!