Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A cold

Audrey has a cold. She has a raspy little cough and a runny nose. I think the worst part of the cold from Audrey's perspective is having her nose wiped. She really does not like that and puts up quite a fight. Otherwise she seems pretty happy, just a little more clingy and tired.

Sunday, May 21, 2006


I finally got a picture of her cute little teeth. She just has the two bottom teeth, but she makes the most of them and a bite from her can hurt. (Just ask her Aunt Bud, who got a good bite on the chin over vacation.)

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Williamsburg Strawberry

We took a lovely family vacation last week to Williamsburg, VA.

This is a picture of Audrey (in a cute strawberry outfit) and I in the Governor's Mansion gardens at Colonial Williamsburg.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Audrey Buckets

Aunt William called Audrey - Audrey Buckets, from the very first time they met.

So of course, I couldn't resist a few pictures of Audrey playing with her toys with the bucket on her head. She left it on her head the whole time she was playing. Though she was terribly surprised whenever she waved the rake a little too close and it banged the bucket on her head. She wasn't too fond of that part of being a bucket-head at all.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Stair Master

It is a very scary day at our house. Audrey has learned how to climb stairs!

Considering the fact that we live in a townhouse, it is actually a good skill for her to master. However, that doesn't mean I want her climbing the stairs before she can walk, talk or understand what I am saying to her.

She has been able to do a courtesy stair here and there (to reach shoelaces that we put up a couple of steps to be out of her reach) for a week or so. But the other day, she just felt inspired and kept on going. I stayed a step below her all the way up, and then I made her work her way back down the stairs just like my dad taught me when I was little. She really wasn't so fond of the going down, but by the end she was cooperating her little legs, going down one knee then the other then reaching one foot down and then the other and repeating.

The most scary part of letting her climb the stairs on her own, was watching her practice her standing techniques on each step. Why in the world she wanted to have both hands free was a mystery to me - I certainly didn't.