Friday, October 31, 2008

Officially a "preschooler"

Audrey and I went and toured Prince William Academy, and she loved it so much that she immediately joined several classes and cried when I told her we had to go home because she wanted to stay.

So after a little more research (especially into our budget), we let the school know that Audrey will be enrolling and she starts on Monday.

We are super excited for her. The maximum class size for her age is 8 students per teacher, and the kids all get to pick 2 languages to learn (Audrey will be learning Mandarin and Spanish). They have bathroom in each of the preschool classrooms (with cubbies for each child with an extra pair of clothes if there should be any accidents). They have a huge gym for winter playtime and a large playground for nice weather playtime and it just seems like a good fit for her.

Audrey has been asking to go to preschool for months now and we told her it wasn't an option until she was potty trained. Well, she is basically potty trained, so she has become more and more insistent that potty training equals preschool. The truth is, the timing is great because Ryan could really use some guaranteed and dedicated study time other than the weekends and Audrey loves to be with other kids.

We are starting her off with 3 days a week 8:30 to noon. One thing she seems very excited about is having her own lunchbox. At 10:00 a.m. all of the preschoolers have snacks that they bring from home.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Higglytown Heros

Today I was vacuuming (using my fancy new vacuum) and Audrey was hiding away from the vacuum. So I could not help but laugh when she emerged from her play area sporting the outfit pictured below. I asked her what she was. She said, I'm a Higglytown hero!

So here is the video of her singing the Higglytown Hero song.


Audrey attended the neighbors Birthday party yesterday, where all of the other little girl's family was there. I think she is missing all of her family, because today out of the blue she said she wanted to send an email or a message to: Tori, Olivia, Grandpa Kansas, Grandma Seattle, Aunt Dan and Uncle Danielle (she still gets people a little confused), and William.

However, she got camera shy, so her message is just quiet. The test run however, where I showed her how the camera worked and she sang a song is cute. I think this is the first of many more to come. Enjoy.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Cute moments, etc.

Audrey says so many funny things these days, that it is sad I am not capturing more of them. However, I will highlight a couple of things that I am thinking of off the top of my head.

She loves doing "projects" which consists of her sitting in her high chair with crayons, construction paper, a glue stick and kid scissors. She makes a lot of cards these days. And each time she is making a card, she says things like, "Grandpa Kansas loves cards, he is going to love this nice card." "there we go" "now mommy, here is the trick we can do to make the card really nice" etc.

Her favorite foods these days are: tuna casserole, spinach, most veggies, pasta with butter on it and nuts - almonds, pecans, you name it.

She recently did some pooping in the big girl potty - yay! so she got the promised bribe of the babydoll set from costco. She loves playing with all the babies and putting them to bed. Her first name for the new baby was Agnezza, the second and the one that she now goes by is Nina.

Since she is now (mostly) potty trained, she has started asking when she gets to go to preschool, so I started looking for some preschools that still have openings. Luckily there are a few to be found, unluckily, they come at a price. We are still looking.

She is very into making Halloween decorations and has been very excited to dress up and decorate our house. Last week we went to a gymboree Halloween party where she got to do a parade, paint a pumpkin, etc. So now, she talks about painting pumpkins a lot. She is extremely excited to go trick or treating.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New Do

Audrey has bangs and medium length hair. However, she cries when I brush, wash, do or talk about doing any of the afore mentioned things. So she ends up looking like a rag-a-muffin far too often.

The other day we were talking about hair, because her bangs were getting long and I asked her if she liked her hair long or short. She enthusiastically said, SHORT! However, I didn't think much of it, until a couple of nights ago, after washing her hair, I was brushing it out (mind you I use, my leave in conditioner *and* the no-tears tangle free spray before I even attempt to delicately brush her hair). She started crying and pleading, Mommy please cut my hair short, please mommy, cut my hair short.

So yesterday, I mentioned that we needed to cut her bangs, did she want to pick out a show to watch while I cut them. And she said, Sleeping Beauty is my favorite movie, can we watch Sleeping Beauty, while we cut my hair, can we cut my hair short, short hair is my favorite. So I did it, I cut off probably 6 inches of length. It is a cute little bob length that frames her sweet face. And her bangs, well, they turned out a little shorter than intended, but again, that sweet little face pulls them off beautifully.

After that we went outside to do sidewalk chalk and take a walk/run (I walk, Audrey runs). We put a barrette in her hair (thanks Emily for the adorable birdie barrette that you made), and seriously, this hair style fits Audrey's bubbly personality so perfectly. I only wish I had better hair cutting skills and Audrey had less wiggles, so it would look a little more polished.

Don't worry Mom, pictures will be posted shortly. ;)

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Almost Potty trained - almost preschool

Audrey and I went out bed shopping the other day and she went potty in a potty that was not in her home for the first time and she did it twice. She wore only big girl panties the whole day, no accidents at all, no incidents, smooth as can be. However, she also did not even attempt to do any #2 - the whole day. ...

So now that she is almost potty trained, I can let her play in the kids area at Ikea where you drop your kids off. She has been begging to do that for a while now. So on Sunday I let her do that for the first time. She LOVED it. In fact, when the timer went off to tell me to come back and get my child, Audrey started crying because she did not want to go with me. She wanted to stay and play.

Also, because she is almost potty trained, we can put her in the almost preschool at Gymboree. So Ryan took her there today for her first "preschool class". She put on her backpack (with a handmade washcloth that is Taka's blanket in it) and brought Taka along with her. She seemed to really enjoy it.

She is getting so big so fast, I just can not believe it. I tend to cry easily, but I must admit I got misty-eyed in Ikea when I walked away from the kid area without her.