Wednesday, August 23, 2006

New due

Hair can be tricky at any age, but at 13 months...

Audrey has long hair on top and short/no hair elsewhere. So in order to keep the long hair out of her eyes while it is growing, I have been using a hair clip to the side. This worked well, until Audrey figured out that they were always there. Now she pulls them out (even when it hurts and makes herself cry) and tries to put them back in (after a taste or two).

So I tried the "ouchless" pony-tail holders, pig-tail style on top of her head. Unfortunately, her hair is not thick enough to fill out two pig-tails. Finally the solution is, one Pebbles-style pony-tail right on top.


Anonymous said...

Too cute. I can see the new top tooth as well. Move over Pebbles.

narra said...

I love the "top knot"! A perfect solution. Sasha still wears one, but it has been a while since it stood on end like Audrey's. Those were the good old days.