Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Baby Sign

Audrey is learning baby sign language in an attempt to allow her to communicate before she can talk. So far she signs "more", "food or eat" and "baby".

It is precious to see her do it, especially because she gets distracted by her own fascinating fingers. For example when she does the sign for "more" (which is bringing your fingers together in front of you) she will often stop and just start playing with her fingers while she has them all together anyway. And when she does the sign for "eat" (which is bringing your hand to your mouth), she usually keeps going and ends up putting her fingers all the way into her mouth, just to see how they taste.


Anonymous said...

Kind of a wonder for Audrey to express her needs. Absolutely darling that as she is expressing her needs she is also caught up in the moment in the wonder of life and her body. Thanks for sharing this, Amber.

E said...

Good move to have Audrey learn signing. I saw how it enriched a lot of young kindergartners while I worked at the daycare.

Alisha said...

That is so fun that Audrey is enjoying the signing videos. Tori just loves them. She is absolutely enthralled by them. It will be fun to see them sign to each other sometime.