Sunday, November 12, 2006


Audrey has the sign for "milk" (squeezing your fist like you are milking a cow) down pat. However, she has definitely taken a very broad interpretation of the word. She basically does the sign for "milk" whenever she wants something in the fridge because she knows that I will open the fridge for her and then she can run over and try to point to/grab whatever she thinks she wants while it is open. (It really is a race to get things into and out of the fridge before she can grab unsuspecting dressings, sauces and leftovers.) I, for one, am very impressed with her ability to use the words/signs she knows to communicate much more than her limited vocabulary permits.


Anonymous said...

What a precious, bright and precocious child!

Alisha said...

I'm so glad Audrey is having fun with the signing. It's been so nice having Tori be able to communicate with us. I wonder how frustrating life would be for me and her if she wasn't able to tell me a few things that she wants with the sigining.