For about a month now Audrey will throw mini tantrums - kick her legs, sit down forcefully, fuss and wave her arms - when she
really wants something. Unfortunately for her, I generally find her tantrums (at least at this stage) kind of cute and I often laugh when she starts to do one. If Audrey catches me laughing at her, she starts to cry for real. Apparently she is quite serious and if I am not taking her seriously enough, it hurts her feelings.
Ah, the beginning of the two's... a time when a parent gets to begin "time outs" and "logical consequences." You'll soon get over the cute phase of Audrey learning to make her will known and begin to reason with her such as "Audrey, when you want such and such you need to say "please blah blah blah." Very important developmental stage and I have little doubt that you and Ryan will be fabulous teachers/parents for lovely Miss Audrey.
Tantrums from Women should always be taken seriously.
Grandpa Scott
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