Wednesday, April 04, 2007


We keep a small basket in the kitchen for dirty laundry - like bibs, napkins, etc. If I forget to empty it every night - Audrey will remind me by going through it and picking up all of the useful things - like bibs and trying them on and throwing the rest of the stuff on the floor.

Often she will put all of the towels and such back in the basket but she will include any clean things she can get her hands on too (like a clean towel hanging on the oven handle). And one of my favorites, she often hides her toys in the basket. When I am emptying the laundry, I find Farmer Bob or a little people animal hiding with the napkins.


Anonymous said...

Ah, it takes patience to raise a "Mommy's Little Helper." One step forward, two steps...

Anonymous said...

P.S. This picture does so remind me of "Madame" when she was a wee one such as Audrey is now. There was a small platform bed in M's room with drawers underneath that Madame would open and pull out ALL of the clothes, examining them in the process much as Audrey is in pic 2. All the while having the most delighted expression and wide smile on her face...

E said...

I love how her hair sticks straight out. So very sweet!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, what an adorable little Doll
we have. She looks like she is very derminded, and very independent. (Like all the women in our family) This is a good thing. (Most of the time)
Your Mom just told me how to leave a comment. (I have been doing it wrong all along)
Thank you so much for keeping us informed how Miss Audrey is growing, and showing us just how cute she is. (Please give her lots of hugs and kisses from her GiGi, and of course hugs and kisses to you and Ryan too)
Love all of you very much.
Hope you all have a glorious Easter.
Love GiGi