Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Baking Cookies

Today I made cookies for Aunt William (who is coming tomorrow for Audrey's birthday). Audrey doesn't like to be left out of anything these days, so as I was getting out ingredients she came up to me with a "hep peas" and her arms outstretched ready to be lifted to the counter to see what was going on. So I let her pour the ingredients in and stir the flour and such. I also let her sample some chocolate chips ahead of time and that was a huge hit.

She had a great time and made a great mess. She saw me dumping the dry ingredients into the wet ones and decided to do that herself and dumped the box of salt into a bowl. The cookies turned out well and Audrey and I sampled a few just to be sure.

I thought I got her completely cleaned up after our creation, but apparently a chocolate chip had escaped onto the floor. Audrey rescued it and then gave the baby kisses - so now I need to wash the baby - yet again!


Anonymous said...

Aww, the beginnings of another great cook in the family. Like Audrey, madame was always the willing little helper. Audrey is a true "Mommy's Little Helper." How adorable. Thanks for the posting.

Rain in My Head said...

Okay lady-
Time for a new post. I've check almost daily and I can only read about cookies so many times without needing some to eat. This post is bad for my waistline! :)