Sunday, October 26, 2008


Audrey attended the neighbors Birthday party yesterday, where all of the other little girl's family was there. I think she is missing all of her family, because today out of the blue she said she wanted to send an email or a message to: Tori, Olivia, Grandpa Kansas, Grandma Seattle, Aunt Dan and Uncle Danielle (she still gets people a little confused), and William.

However, she got camera shy, so her message is just quiet. The test run however, where I showed her how the camera worked and she sang a song is cute. I think this is the first of many more to come. Enjoy.


Sylvan said...

next time I will most definitely sing with you adorable Audrey. What a beautiful voice you have and you definitely know your ABC's - how exciting!!! I love you and thank you for your message.

XO Grandma in Seattle

Olivia said...

She is so cute and I love the hair!!