Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Silliest

Audrey started her Montessori school this year and loves it. She came home the other day and told Ryan...

Audrey: "Daddy, I told my friend Grace that my Daddy is sillier than me"
Ryan: "Oh really, what did your friend Grace say to that?"
Audrey: "She said that her daddy was sillier than her too. We both have very silly daddies."

The next day, Audrey and I were heading up the stairs to go to bed and I wanted her to hurry...

Me: "Audrey, if you don't hurry, I am going to have to give you a xerbert"
Audrey: "Mama, you can't say that, only Daddy can say that because Daddy is the silliest."
Me: "Well if Daddy is the silliest, what am I?"
Audrey: "Mama, you are the nicest and Daddy is the silliest."
Me: "Then what are you?"
Audrey: "I am the smartest!"

1 comment:

Sylvan said...

Audrey you are such a sweet little smarty pants! I love you! xoxo Grandma in Seattle