Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Gymboree Party

Recently we went to a birthday party at Gymboree. All the kids get to dress up - Audrey is wearing a sequined dress with butterfly wings while doing a little craft project with sparkle glue and a plastic mask - what's not to love.

I love her looks of concentration as she is trying to glue feathers and sequins onto her mask. And she has such adorable and dainty little fingers. Once again the camera lady couldn't get a smile, but she is still cute .


Anonymous said...

Audrey has grown so much in the past couple of months. Obviously she is very bright as it takes a lot of hand/eye coordination to handle a glue stick and attach small things to something else. She does have graceful,dainty hands. I too love her looks of concentration while focusing on the tasks at hand. What an adorable little girl! What's she going to be for Halloween this year?

JRS said...

Such intensity and concentration, that kind of ability to focus portends great things. Congratulations to the parents who have helped her to see the job through.