Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Halloween costumes

Every year - at least the three so far, I have made Audrey try on at least 2 costumes in the comfort of our own home. And I have kept the back-up costume just in case. This year was no exception. First she was a turtle. And while the turtle costume was cute, it just wasn't knock your socks off cute. So we (and by we I mean grandma) kept looking for the perfect witch costume. Finally I found it.
The hunt paid off. The witch costume brings out Audrey's personality. She loves to spin in it and tap (read hit hard, while saying soft) things with the wand. I can hardly wait to take her trick or treating.


Anonymous said...

Audrey you are an adorable witch. Looks like you're the good witch of DC...hehehehe. Wish I could go trick or treating with you. xoxo

Desiree said...

Well done with the costumes, she's adorable!